Our Children’s Ministry is called A.M.P., which stands for A Ministry of Praise. Our goal is to give our kids a solid foundation on which they will build their lives. We offer a place they can learn about God’s love and how to follow Jesus in an atmosphere that is fun and entertaining. All kids age 3 years through 6th grade are welcome! On Sundays, we offer Sunday School at 9:30 and then Children’s Church at 10:45. On Wednesdays, we meet at 7:00. The kids start off together for an opening & songs and then split into age groups and rotate between games, snacks , and a lesson. Finally, we all join back together for a closing. All aspects of the night, including games and snacks, revolve around that night’s lesson. During the summer, we also host Vacation Bible School and Kidz Kamp. For more information, please contact CJ or Alicia Sober or any member of the staff.